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What is Responsible Decision-Making? 

"The ability to make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms. The realistic evaluation of consequences of various actions, and a consideration of the well-being of oneself and others."

  • Identifying problems

  • Analyzing situations

  • Solving problems

  • Evaluating

  • Reflecting

  • Ethical responsibility


CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)


Responsible Decision-Making for young children:

For a child to make responsible decision-making,

he/she will need to use prior learned social-emotional skills: 

(self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness and relationship skills).


It is at an early age that parents and educators have the most opportunities

to create teachable moments to introduce new social-emotional learning.

We expose children to daily situations that will require the use of new SEL skills.

We collaborate to teach and model personal behavior and social interaction with the use of 

good practices of problem-solving, and good decision-making. 

Some examples of SEL teachable moments are:

  • taking turns in board games

  • sharing the ball in the park

  • learning how to win and to lose in sports 

  • In the face of strong emotions, find a way to calm down 

  • talking about how you are feeling

  • read children's books with characters from different cultures to increase appreciation for diversity and respect

  • make a birthday card for a friend


 Conversation starters to promote SEL learning


Here you can find videos, webinars, at-home activities for children, audios, and more. 

This resource collection will be here at any time. 

You can come at any time to get ideas to help your child to develop any of these skills.


So, take your time to explore the resources we put together for you.

Enjoy it! 

What is Responsible Decision-Making?



  • Social Awareness is a set of skills. The basic ones are Empathy, appreciating diversity, and Respect.

  • We need to teach children how to interact with others. These are skills that need to be taught. 

  • We, adults, are the role-models for them. All our interaction with our children matters. 

  • We must expose our children to different cultures. This way children will have an open-minded vision of the world. It will facilitate interactions in the future.

  • Students with a good foundation on the social-awareness are more likely to stand up against racism and bullying. In addition, it is more likely to be tolerant and make good choices on behaviors when interacting with people in general.

  • It is recommended to read books with diverse authors and themes with different characters from different cultures and realities. 

To learn more about social-awareness,

watch the resources on this page.

Next  Relationship Skills. 


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Website created by Silvana B. Hoti on April 2020  Brooklyn, NY  USA 

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